Friday, June 13, 2008

Last month of school

Well, I am so glad school is out for summer. That last month is so hectic to be involved with all that is going on. I didn't make it to all, but, I got to as much as I could. Abby went on a field trip to an old army camp called Camp Floyd. They taught them about the school they had there and how to shoot guns like the army men did in those days.

Grace had to do a report on an animal. She choose the Cheetah. Then after they were done, one night the parents of all the second graders got to go to the school and look at the projects the kids had done.
Brady's preschool went to Farm Town at Thanksgiving Point for one of their last field trips. I decided to go along because I could take Casey and because it was his last time in preschool.

Abby was involved with her school choir this year. It is for grades 4th, 5th, and 6th. She loved it and tried out for a solo. She didn't get one this year but she will keep trying.
On the day before the last day of school the girls had a field day at the school. In the morning they had dry activities. I went and helped with Grace's younger class group. I took the boys with me and it was windy and they thought it was boring because they couldn't play anywhere there was to much going on. In the afternoon, the had wet activities. Luckily, the wind kind of stopped and my boys got more involved.

1 comment:

Kim said...

your kids are getting so big! I was reading about the choir thing and I thought, how can Abby be in a choir that is for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders - I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU HAVE KIDS THAT BIG!