Thursday, October 30, 2008

Garner Reunion

You may have seen some of this before but this is my version. So we have this reunion every summer with Robb's folks and all the brothers, sisters, and their families. This year Robb and I were in charge. We had our version of the Olympics.
We started with a great family spiritual experience to the temple. I didn't have many pictures of this.
Next, we started our Olympics with a real Olympic torch relay to light our cauldron.We had each family create their own family flag with a real flag from the family mission(The flag was related to the area each child served their missions, mom and dad had a Korean flag for Stacy) in the middle.

We played a lot of fun games that were related to real Olympic games (horse racing, diving, etc.)

Then on the last night we had an amazing meal prepared by everyone which included a dish from each mission everyone that attended went to. It was delicious. I loved it all.After the meal, we had a great talent show with a special guest appearance. If you want to see photos we may have to negotiate.The highlight of the whole weekend was the homemade slip and slide. It was so fun and actually almost got everyone on it at some time.

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